Friday, September 23, 2016

My Health Adventure - Plexus Plunge

About a year ago my friend told me about this product called Plexus, the skeptic that I am I decided to do some research into it and its effectiveness. There were not a lot of negative reviews but of course I found the ones that were out there. I decided to not use the product and just watch how my friends did using it. They all absolutely love the product and the success that came from just sharing about how to help your body was amazing. I eventually signed up to sell it under my best friend just so I could get the wholesale price and started using the Slim occasionally.

My best friend, who also happens to be my Plexus sponsor, came to visit me a few weeks ago and I decided to take the plunge into Plexus! With a degree in Nutrition and an emphasis on holistic nutrition I am very excited about the benefits these products could have. My passion lies with mothers and babies though. I decided a few years ago to become a lactation educator (my dream is to one day go back to school to be a Certified Lactation Counselor) and in doing some of my research with Plexus was very happy to discover the benefits to nursing mothers. As I am also nursing at this moment I will keep you all apprised on how Plexus is affecting that.

I want to start by saying that I am NOT on any of the products at this point. I will make a list of the conditions that my family suffers, that we know of, and throughout my Plexus journey I will come back to that list and evaluate if any of them are better or even gone. It is not my expectation that all of our issues will completely vanish, however, I do anticipate many will get better and maybe a few go away. About 4 months ago my husband and I began to eat healthier and workout consistently. I began running and am now running about 6-9 miles a week. I say this so that we know Plexus will be the only change in our lifestyle and any changes to the conditions we suffer from can then be related to Plexus (its no scientific study but its the best I can do).

Here is a list of the conditions we have:
-Ear infections
-Wheat sensitivities
-Dairy sensitivities
-A son with a urological problem
-Hair loss
-Achy joints
-I struggle with foggy brain and have trouble even finishing sentences well.
-I also struggle with anxiety and anger which I am almost confident is largely due to hormonal imbalances.

I know the Lord puts people and things in our paths at certain points in our lives for a reason, I pray that I can honor the Lord in my decision to start this journey and help my family to be healthier and happier.

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