Sunday, April 3, 2016

This Crazy Life

Wow this crazy life of mine. We have been here in Montana for about 8 months now. It's has been an adjustment but a good one I think. We are pretty much settled in and have started getting involved in the community. We love our new church family and are so grateful for them. We started James in Cub Scouts and a homeschool choir which he is really liking. Right when I think we are able to catch our breath God throws us a curveball by bringing our little girl 4 weeks early. 

Adina Iris Netzley was born March 21st at 7:33am she was 6lb 8oz and 18.5 in long. It was a long and tiring labor but by Gods grace she was healthy and happy. I am so grateful for supportive family and friends who helped us out during the hard labor. The Lord really has been teaching us through this move that our plans will not always be successful and that the Lord has his own plans for our life. I am learning to hang on for the ride and trust his will. I am not saying that it is easy at all but I am trying. 


  1. Congrats, friend!! She's beautiful!! By the way, tell Adina that she cut in line! "Spaghetti" was due March 28, but she's STILL hanging out in utero! 😉

  2. Oh Jenni she's so beautiful!! And love that God is blessing your family! Miss you!!

    Ashley Jennings

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