So we have reached our halfway mark. Thomas is 6 months away from being able to graduate. We are learning what it means to live in the freezing cold, literally. The kids don't really seem to mind and it just takes a little more preparation when you want to go outside. But honestly I think I really like the snow, it is so beautiful. It feels like God is cleansing everything and it just seems so peaceful.
Thomas got a two week break from school for Christmas and New Years and he told me I could come visit sacramento the second week. I decided to surprise almost everyone, including my parents. It was pretty funny to see their reaction when I walked in the door. The flight their Beth did really well she slept the whole time but the flight back was a little rough because we both came down with a bad cold. But we got to see a lot of friends and family. I am so sorry if we didn't have time for some people but towards the end we were pretty sick and I didn't want to get anyone with small kids sick.

I miss you dear friend!