"Make every thought captive to Christ." 2 Cor 10:5. As a mother and a wife sometimes I find myself going throughout my day so engrossed in my duties that I forget to honor God in them and I forget to praise Him for my blessings, especially when it is a busy day or I don't feel good. I was conflicted about this and was wondering how I could remember to be an example of Christ that my children can aspire to be. How do I take my thoughts and make them captive to Christ? Here are a few things I thought would help;
-get rid of meaningless worldly things (television shows)
-read my Bible in the morning (with my children)
-listen to praise music throughout my day
-do everything without grumbling or questioning (Phillipians 2:14), I find this one especially hard when my husband tells me to do something I don't really want to do.
-don't be that women who gossips and slanders, especially when it is disguised as a prayer request
-do the duties that God has designed for me, like being a help meet for my husband and a mother who instills godly values in my sons and has patience to treat them with respect and discipline to train them in the ways of the Lord.
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